KB-IN-00021a Reassign Corrective Action Portal


This article explains how to reassign a corrective action to another user. To be able to do this, the users will need the Insight role.

How to Implement

Once logged in to the web portal, hover over the Insight button and select Corrective Actions.

This will take you to the Corrective Actions page, select the corrective actions you would like to re-assign (you can hold down Ctrl to pick more than one). Their rows should now highlight blue. Select Actions, and then Assign Multiple.

After clicking this, you will be presented with a pop up where you can choose what user you want to assign the corrective actions to.

Single corrective actions can also be assigned to a user. Go to the column called Number on the left-hand side and click the blue number for the one you wish to reassign.

Clicking this will show a pop up and where you can edit the detail of the corrective action. To reassign the corrective action to another user, click the Owner dropdown box, and select a different user, and then click Save Changes.