Insight: Different Answer Output Types on the Standard IN02-1 Report


When creating an audit template which will use the standard IN02-1, there are multiple different output types you can use to display your results, by simply adjusting the code of the question within the template.

Tick Box

Yes = 1, No = 0, N/A = -1, code=RenderTickBox

Example output (when Yes is selected):


Code=RenderSlider, can be used in any range of values but the slider question type must be used.

Example output (when 57/100 is selected):


GPS Location question type must be used, code=RenderGPS

Example output:

Thumbs Up/Down

Any question that can take numerical value can be used, code=RenderThumbs, Yes = 1, No = 0

Example output (when thumbs up is selected):

Smiley Face

Any question that can take numerical value can be used, code=RenderSmileyFace, Sad face = 1, straight face = 2, happy face = 3

Example output (when straight face is selected):

Scored Radio Buttons

Horizontal radio buttons must be used, code=RenderChildRadNALabel, Yes=1, No=0, N/A=-1

Example output (when “No” is selected):

Single Checkbox

Horizontal radio buttons must be used, code=RenderChk, tick box value=True, cross box value = False

Example output (when cross is selected):

Star Rating

Horizontal radio buttons must be used, code=RenderStarRating, values 1 to 5 for each star

Example output (when 4 is selected):