TASK: Make notes mandatory using various controls on the admin console with the survey designer tool.
Please note that, to implement mandatory pictures and notes, Answer Details must be ticked within the Insight Features section of Customer Settings. The user must also have the Survey Designer role.
To implement this feature, click and drag a built-in template from the left-hand side within the survey designer and move it over into the section that says drop here to add. Most built-in templates can have mandatory notes.
When the built-in template has been moved over, you will see an expanded menu icon which looks like a grey pen on the right-hand side.
This will open a pop-up window. Navigate down to Behaviour. If you scroll down within this section, you will find the option to add Mandatory Notes or Mandatory Pictures under certain conditions.
There are a variety of configuration options to suit your need for mandatory notes. In this example, if we wanted the user to have to enter a note after choosing the second radio button, we would enter “1” into the “Require picture if value is” box. This is because the value of the first option for the radio buttons is 1 (this can be configured in the Options tab).
As Shown on Survey
When option 1 is picked, a yellow icon with an exclamation mark will show, informing you that notes are now required. You will not be able to complete the survey until notes have been added.
If notes get added to the question a text box icon will show instead of the yellow exclamation mark.