This document will explain how to set up the scoring on a survey and what it looks like on a device. To be able to set up and use the scoring you must make sure your user has the roles ‘Insight’ and ‘Survey Designer’ assigned.
How to Implement
Before we add a question, we need to ensure, scoring is enabled. To do this click Template Properties on the right-hand side, then select Enable Scoring.
Then close this window and go to the section that says Built-In Templates and scroll down to ‘Radio Button List H’, drag this over to the section that says Drop Here to Add.
Then click the expanded menu button on the right-hand side of the radio button.
This will open a pop-up window; you should see two columns on the left-hand side called Text and Value. Text is what gets set on the tablet and Value is what gets populated in the system. You are able to add more buttons than the default two.
Once you are happy with the button text and value, scroll down the page and you will see a button called Behaviour on the left-hand side.
After you have clicked the Behaviour button, you will see a box called Enable Scoring which needs to be ticked. The scoring formula is question value * Scoring Weight / Max Scoring Weight. The Ignore Scoring option will not calculate any questions with the value in this box, useful for N/As.
As Shown on Survey
The survey will calculate all the questions with scoring enabled and give you a percentage out of 100. You will be able to see this figure on the survey details page.
If set up, the scoring will also show on each section.